Filene Fellow Cheri Speier-Pero of Michigan State University, led a conversation around how the new Center of Excellence for Data Analytics and the Future of Financial Services will explore the practice of data analytics and prepare credit unions for the future financial services landscape. The research from this Center will offer an actionable framework for effective approaches to data management and analytics for the larger financial services industry.
In the webinar recording below, Dr. Cheri Speier-Pero lays the foundation for how this Center will support organizations in leveraging data early on for predicting outcomes and eventually transforming your credit union's products, delivery channels, operating models, and more for enhanced organizational performance.
Watch the webinar below, review the slide deck, and dive into the first output from this Center of Excellence.

Registration is now open for Filene’s inaugural research event for the Center for Data Analytics and the Future of Financial Services, on January 26-27, 2021, Building an Analytics Ecosystem to Create Credit Union Value.