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Are You Prepared? Get Your Credit Union and Members Ready for Recession



Preparing for recession means acting now with a plan to get ahead of a downturn. Filene's research library has insights and ideas on the steps to take to keep growing through the next downturn.

Join us for a preparation session examining a curated collection of Filene research reports to help your credit union get recession-ready by:

  • Studying key lessons from past recessions and how to best position yourself for future success
  • Creating a long-view plan to continue investing in your membership and your organization
  • Building resilient mentalities that will allow you to act faster, go on offense and think beyond 'business as usual'

Recessions can put severe strain on everyone's financial well-being. Preparing for a turbulent future and providing support to members and staff during a downturn is not only central to the cooperative mission, it also generates increased loyalty and engagement that will be repaid in the years to come. 

Get this right and you will help your credit union not simply survive the next recession, but thrive through it.