"That was the best big. bright. minds. EVER!" a sentiment shared by nearly 100% of attendees in 2015.
Check out the PHOTOS!
We came together at Harvard University on December 2 & 3, 2015 for Filene's annual gathering of talent, big. bright. minds. Download the presentations and link to the hot topics below, PLUS find out George's highlights for the gathering.
We appreiciate your engagement in big. bright. minds. as we shared:
- Big ideas from our Filene Research Fellows - take a look: Dennis Campbell, AnnaMaria Lusardi, Hope Schau, and Jonathan Morduch.
- Deeper levels of IMPACT including: Member Ease of Use, Innovation Immersion, SavvyMoney, and QCash
- The latest in i3 CONCEPTS including your Fish Bowl investment champ: Debt Dragon
- Actionable research insights around Wallet Allocation and Mindfulness.
NEW THIS YEAR! All 250 attendees split into 4 groups and travelled to locations in the greater-Boston area (plus Rhode Island!) engaging in 4 unique experiences:
- PARTICIPATE LIVE!Observational Research with Tansley Stearns with special thanks to Harvard University Employees Credit Union.
- DEEPER DIVE INTO RESEARCH! Lead by Ben Rogers, along with Filene Research Fellow and HBS Professor, Dennis Campbell and Assistant Professor Ryan Buell.
- TAKE ACTION! Thanks to the generous support of CSCU we spent time with a financial education rock star at the Society of Grown Ups and teh smart folks from J-PAL.
- END-USER INNOVATION! Andrew Downin managed to combine a day of military innovation with bbq's! For Real!
The Filene Cooperative Trust CRASHERS always provide a fresh point of view while keeping us young, and stoking our passion! Relive #bigbrightminds from a Crasher's point of view.
The #bigbrightminds social wall ties the week together with photos and comments from attendees!