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Crash the Filene Research in Action Event for the War for Talent

University of Texas, Austin

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Crashers are credit union young professionals who are sponsored to attend a conference at a lower cost and with additional content designed especially for them. You'll get professional development tools, meet with industry leaders, network with peers, and experience each event in a dynamic way. 

Learn more about the Research In Action Event for the War for Talent.

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As a credit union young professional, you can apply to be a Crasher at any of the conferences we're Crashing including Best Practices are Dead: Using Analytics to Win the Talent War. With limited Crasher spots available, apply today. 

The chosen Crashers will be sponsored to attend at a lower cost and with additional content designed especially for YPs. Crashers get professional development tools, meet with industry leaders, network with peers, and experience each event in a dynamic way.