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Marketing Department: Skills and Structures for Tomorrow

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A Colloquium at Fordham University

May 19, 2015 | New York City

Big THANK YOU to everyone who joined us for the research colloquium!


Shared by an attendee of the colloquium:

"I found the colloquium very worthwhile. It was great meeting other leaders in the industry and fellow marketers. Each presentation connected and delivered the best of thought leadership. The research was so key and a different perspective from other marketing conferences. Filene does a super job!"


The leaps from push marketing to search-engine marketing to social media marketing have proven that marketing as a discipline doesn’t stand still. Neither does each channel replace any of the others. In an increasingly complicated world, modern marketing organizations have to be familiar with all and excellent with many of these channels.

Credit unions, in particular, are challenged in this environment. Their history as small, hyperlocal financial institutions, allowed them to rely on word of mouth and employer partnerships for too long. While those are still powerful marketing advantages, they are not enough for growing institutions that increasingly need to attract new members and communicate their value proposition in a crowded market.

Data and metrics abound. In the marketing department of tomorrow, marketing leaders will have to manage channels, work better with technology, interpret data, and, above all, build an organization flexible enough to thrive among each succeeding round of new trends and new tools.


Why Your Loyal, Satisfied, Net-Promoting Members Choose Your Competitors -- Professor Lerzan Aksoy, Fordham University: Marketers will have to use new tools and new metrics in a data-driven world. And as credit unions know well, all the goodwill in the world  doesn’t necessarily translate into the next consumer purchase, or even long-term loyalty. Aksoy draws on her research around deposit and loan preferences to show how the Wallet Allocation Rule can help credit unions see why their own members use them, and why even happy credit union members will often bolt for the competitor’s product.

3 Case Studies: Building a Marketing Department for Tomorrow -- Elements Financial, Assemblies of God Credit Union, Lake Trust Credit Union: These credit unions are different sizes, have different fields of membership, different leaders, and very different strategies, but each has overhauled its marketing department. Learn why (and how) each has changed hiring, revamped job descriptions, and shuffled leadership to drive their credit union’s growth.

Build a Brand, Don’t Just Manage One -- Christopher Rector, Colgate-Palmolive: Toothbrushes, checking accounts, and pet food share more than you think. From his perch as global head of Colgate's toothbrush division, Rector explains how the epochal changes in digital channels and consumers’ fragmented attention are challenging marketers to grow from brand managers to brand builders, from advertising to engagement.

7 Sources of Distrust in Bank Marketing -- Professor Hooman Estelami, Fordham University: From mental accounting to hyperbolic discounting, consumers have lots of reasons to make poor decisions. The good guys will use human foibles to help consumers; the bad guys will misuse them for profit. Estelami shows how understanding them all can help you better organize your department to help your members.

How Agencies Help Grow Your Brand -- Dina Shapiro, Yorkville ConsultingEven sophisticated departments look to the agency world for help -- but with mixed results. Dina Shapiro, founder of Yorkville Consulting, argues that the drama and disconnects between clients and agencies are unnecessary. Whether you employ three marketers or thirty, Shapiro draws on her extensive experience working inside both client and agency environments, to show how the best firms optimize their agency relationships, scopes of work, and integration and creative brief processes to grow their brands.