Organizations world-wide are being forced to work virtually due to the COVID-19 crisis. Adjusting to a virtual work environment is challenging for employees and managers alike. While we’ve talked about a “remote work force” for years, no one imagined that teams would move en masse to a remote work environment virtually overnight.
There are tangible steps you can take to smooth the transition for all three prongs of governance: employees, management, and Board.
Join Filene's Senior Director of Advisory Services, Erin Coleman, a 20-year remote worker, for a conversation with Filene Fellow Sekou Bermiss, professor of management at University of Texas-Austin and Matt Fullbrook manager, Rotman School of Management at University of Toronto, as we focus on managing through a crisis, remotely. We will discuss:
- Why it's vital to recognize the different dimensions within your virtual team
- How to lead effective virtual team training
- Recommendations for Boards in crisis/remote mode
- Best practices for making it all work when business is not “as usual”
Help your staff, board and management to carefully assess the challenges at hand. Learn how to prioritize what decisions need to be made in order to achieve the best outcomes possible. Walk away with tactical and strategic tools that you can to apply to remote situations now and during times of calm. We will get through this together.