The Opportunity for Financial Inclusion
René Vargas Martínez, Program Officer at Inclusiv, along with Pablo DeFilippi, SVP Membership and Networking Engagement at Inclusiv, present the moral and business imperative for enabling underserved individuals and financially vulnerable communities.
Refer to page 4 of your User Guide.

Online Learning Content Presentation: The Opportunity for Financial Inclusion
This presentation illustrates the importance of financial inclusion for financial institution mission fulfillment and growth (both in terms of membership as well as the bottom line). It includes data on shifting demographics in the United States today, national and regional studies on the purchasing power of immigrants, and research outlining the business case and opportunity for ITIN Lending, particularly for America’s largest and fastest growing immigrant population, Hispanic consumers.

ITIN Lending Implementation Guide
Download the free, research-based implementation guide to help your financial institution implement an ITIN Lending program.

Inclusive Finance
Inclusiv provides a compelling business case for financial institutions to focus on financial inclusion and community development in this research report. When financial institutions focus on financial inclusion, they are more profitable, grow faster, and are more active lenders than their peers. Also, the research summarizes best practices of Community Development Credit Unions that can be applied to other financial institutions to better serve financially vulnerable populations.

Striving for Deeper Immigrant Financial Inclusion
Inclusiv provides a detailed analysis on how to engage immigrant consumers, identify the right combination of products, services, and relationships, and address their unique needs and motivations in this research report.

Reaching Minority Households Incubator
In 2016, Filene, Visa, and the Ford Foundation collaborated to launch the Reaching Minority Households Incubator. Five programs were tested over an 18-month period to evaluate whether they were scalable, financially viable, had high demand from financial institutions and consumers, and created positive consumer impact. One of the most successful programs tested was ITIN Lending.
Our Partners

This ITIN online learning content would not be possible without the involvement and expertise of Inclusiv (formerly known as the National Federation of Community Development Credit Unions).
Filene would also like to thank Visa for its financial support and ongoing leadership on financial inclusion that has made the Reaching Minority Households project and its series of reports and ITIN Lending resources possible.