The Filene i3program is committed to strengthening the credit union system through the development of new products, services, and business models. Through the power of collaboration we can bring ideas to market quicker. We present to you four ideas fresh from your innovation Lab ready for pilot.
Choose an innovation to bring to market. Our innovation program is committed to strengthening the credit union system through the development of new products, services, and business models.
- Does your credit union need an innovative way to attract and retain borrowers?Pilot Lift.
- Does your credit union need an innovative way to attract new members?Pilot Moneyworks.
- Does your credit unionneed loans? do you have expertise in property lending?Pilot CU-HomeWise.
- Does your credit union need an innovative way to improve member loyaltyand retention?Pilot MVP.
Learn more about each pilot program.
Through the power of collaboration we can bring ideas to market quicker. We present to you ideas fresh from your Innovation Lab ready for pilot. This is your opportunity to assist in shaping these ideas with little to no cost to your credit union. The credit union system needs fresh innovations to prosper in the new normal. Get involved—please choose one of these ideas now available from your Think and Do Tank.