Join the founding members of the CU DEI collective and pledge your commitment to taking immediate and meaningful action toward change. Visit to join in our efforts. |
On Friday, June 19th, Filene Research Institute CEO Mark Meyer signed an important statement of commitment and solidarity with the African American and Black community, alongside other leaders from credit union system organizations, which together with Filene have led the creation of a new Credit Union Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collective.
The Credit Union Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Collective is an expanding group formed within the Credit Union Movement devoted to furthering DEI, a shared cooperative principle. The CU DEI Collective believes, diversity, equity and inclusion are fundamental to a vibrant, relevant and growing Credit Union Movement, and is good business. Founding members of the CU DEI Collective include national credit union system organizations and service providers, committed to the movement’s cooperative principles.
As a research organization, and as a founding member of the Credit Union DEI Collective, we take seriously our responsibility to acknowledge that independence is always partial in the face of inequality and injustice. We ask that you join us not simply in signing this pledge, but in putting it into practice.

Position Statement

The CU DEI Collective stands in solidarity with the African American and Black community and pledges to fight alongside against systemic oppression and racism. Our mission is to bring forth social, economic, political, and legal justice for combatting centuries of violent oppression and systemic racism everywhere.
We call on all members of the Credit Union Movement to apply our cooperative principles to create real, meaningful, transformative, and sustained change. We want to be a catalyst for this change.
Together, we are stronger. Together, we can create a better world where all members of our communities can take part in our democracy, live free of fear from violence, and enjoy physical and financial well-being. We stand for financial democracy.
We pledge to create a just society which upholds human dignity and where people are free to pursue their dreams.
We commit ourselves to listen, learn, advocate, and amplify the voices of the most marginalized and vulnerable members of our community in accordance with our cooperative principles, to create a better society for all.
Leaders of the credit union system, this is your call to action.

Commitment to Change | Pledge to Action
The CU DEI Collective urges leaders across the Credit Union System to commit to change. This is the opportunity for people in the credit union movement to stand together, united against racism. We must be intentional in our thoughts and our deeds.
It Starts Here
- Stand against racism.
- Support, join, amplify the voice of credit union system organizations that work explicitly for social justice and financial democracy within our movement: African American Credit Union Coalition, Network of Latino Credit Union Professionals, Inclusiv, the Global Women’s Leadership Network and CU Pride.
- Learn about the history and ongoing effects of institutional racism, economic, health, social, and political inequalities, and consider how we can create change.
- Make an action-oriented commitment to preserving and strengthening our rich legacy of people of color in credit unions.
- Engage in conversations about healing, to educate and equip volunteers, boards and staff to listen, serve, and uplift members’ lives.
Products & Services
- Create a more just and equitable financial system by examining products and policies that appear "race neutral" with a racial equity lens to extend the benefits to communities of color.
- Review pricing and fee structures to ensure a disproportionate burden is not placed on those who have lacked historical access to quality financial services.
- Examine and understand the role of data in creating and reinforcing inequality in financial services.
- Provide products and services that advance physical and financial well-being for members. Create financial democracy.
Talent Management, Recruitment & Retention
- Commit to creating a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable team including volunteers, boards, and staff across all functional areas.
- Develop and improve upon HR policies, procedures, and training to create a culture of inclusion so all staff can bring their full and authentic selves to work and achieve their full potential
- Strengthen family leave and other benefits and pay practices to support the physical and financial well-being of staff.
- Support staff of color with appropriate programs such as affinity groups, mental health services, and related measures.
Community Engagement & Cooperation
- Partner with local non-profit, government, and other organizations to improve the lives of the most marginalized members of your communities.
- Donate to and volunteer with community organizations working to advance racial justice.
We recognize the diversity of organizations within our movement. We encourage those signing this Statement of Solidarity, commit to taking meaningful and immediate action toward change.
“Our nettlesome task is to discover how to organize our strength into compelling power.”
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Join the founding members of the CU DEI collective and pledge your commitment to taking immediate and meaningful action toward change. Visit to join in our efforts.

Founding Organizations of the CU DEI Collective