Our hypothesis is that if we can connect our members, we will help local small businesses grow and prosper and make our communities stronger.
C.U.B.E. is a digital platform allowing credit union business members to promote their products and services on a credit union exchange available to credit union members in their local communities.
Testing Results:
When business members were asked, "Do you see C.U.B.E being an effective way for generating new business?" - 37 percent said “Agree” and only three percent “strongly disagree”. One valuable comment: “It would be great if it allowed me to interact with sales leads directly over a mobile platform…Everything now is being done on phones. Love the Marketplace idea though, if done right I think it has real potential”.
- When credit union professionals were asked, "Do you feel this solution addresses an opportunity your credit union has now or could have in the future?" - 80 percent of those surveyed either “strongly agree” or “agree” and 0% “Strongly disagree".
When consumers were asked to rate the value they see the C.U.B.E platform providing for Credit Union Members, a large percent (56%) answered, “somewhat valuable” for this answer with only six percent responding with “not at all valuable”. One comment that resonated with us was: “A good credit union will have these services and make their members aware of them.”