In the past, marketers created their own value proposition and then sold it to the consumers. The new way of value co-creation engages with the members' perspective and directly incorporates it into the brand message becoming more relevant and creating moments of insight with your members – co-creating your value proposition.
The Needs-Adaptive Member Journey
Instead of focusing on a "purchase," consider using member goals and well-being to anchor your credit union's business strategy for facilitating member journeys.
For the Long Run: Leveraging Reflexive Opportunities
Build life-long member loyalty by creating opportunities for members to reflect on their relationship with the credit union.
Who do Credit Unions Belong To?
Understand how high levels of social and political polarization affect the perceptions of credit unions.
Nature vs. Nurture: Research Event Recap
Review the insights from a research event exploring the hidden factors that impact consumer financial decision making.
Credit Union Storytelling: Toolkit & Implementation Guide
Harness the power of storytelling to show the value of your credit union’s impact, one story at a time. Use this collection of tools to increase member engagement, improve brand awareness and connect emotionally through stories of credit union impact.
Workshop: Solidifying Lasting Relationships with Members Through Reflexive Opportunities
Part two of the research brief For the Long Run: Leveraging Reflexive Opportunities includes an exercise that will help your team change their view of the relationship with members across their lifespans and discover opportunities to reach members in times of need to champion their financial evolution over time.
Filene Fill-In Ep. 47: Who Do Credit Unions Belong To? (You might be surprised)
Andrew Turner, researcher of "Who do Credit Unions Belong To?", talks through how to make purposeful and informed strategic decisions about how you present your credit union to your community and the world at large.
Filene’s Center for Consumer Decision Making was generously sponsored by:

View a full impact report from this Center of Excellence.