Executive Summary
Since their origins, credit unions have sought to make a difference in the lives of the members and communities they serve by promoting financial well-being at the individual and household level. However, widening that lens to community-level challenges and solutions can lead to more effective solutions that promote deeper social impact.
To promote lasting positive social change, it is critical to view challenges from their underlying roots. As respected and trusted institutions, credit unions have the capacity to help build human, social, and financial capital within the communities they serve.
Credit Union Implications
Credit unions can play an active role in addressing social challenges, ranging from affordable housing to climate change, in a way that both supports their mission and contributes to financial sustainability as credit unions become key players in developing resilient communities.
In this accompanying guide, we present guidelines to integrate social impact in strategic planning by:
- Identifying social problems within a broader context
- Developing a social impact plan
- Executing and measuring impact
Download this guide today to build a strategic and impactful social impact plan for your community.
Filene's Center for Community Social Impact is generously funded by: